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An Introduction to Bally Slot Machines, Manual 6000 1979. This is a good primer for Bally electro-mechanical slot machines. Page 22 corrects the myth of how the slot machine got its name-it certainly wasn't what I thought. This manual, in PDF format, is 45 pages in length and it is broken down into five parts for easier downloading. Liesure Time Slots Owners Manual for IGT Slot Machines covering S-Plus, S-2000, Vision and Reel Touch. IGT M Slot Manual esprit Manual Esprit Drawings Esprit Wiring Aristocrat Microstar MK 2.5 Stepper Service and Parts Manual marked SP791MK2.5S I apologize for no photo at the moment. This is a three-reel machine that accepts one to five coins.
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Wild Cherry
The Wild Cherry slot machine is the original in the exciting Wild Cherry lineup. The Wild Cherry is a casino classic. This is a great addition to any home or basement.
Product Description
Igt Video Slot Machine Manual
Bill Validator accepts $1’s through $100’s
Standard casino size cabinet 48″ tall, 250 pounds
Chrome trim – Slot Machine exterior color varies
Cabinet Color: Additional pictures are available by email upon request to insure there are no misunderstandings concerning the color of the exact machine you are buying. Most machine cabinets are black but this is not the rule.
Machine Dimensions: This machine is 44 inches high and the top candle will add an additional 4 to 6 inches. The width is 22 inches and 20 inches deep. The weight is approximately 250 pounds.
Power Requirements: This machine will run on normal 110 V household current. The power cord will run out of the back of the machine. No special adaptor or wiring needed. It is a good idea to plug the power cord into a power surge protector since there is a computer board inside this machine.
The product line
Igt Terminator Slot Machine Manual
The IGT S2000 slot machine is probably the most recognizable slot machine in the world due to its wide distribution and the movie industry. Most casinos today will have these on the game floor. The IGT S2000 remains a favorite of “reel machine” enthusiast worldwide. IGT S2000 slot machines are a must have for any floor and are also one of the lowest cost slots available now.
The IGT S2000’s are the classic reel slots that you see in the casinos today. These are our most popular machines for home sales. These machines come to us coinless now from the casino- meaning they will take bills and print out a ticket; just like in a modern day casino. We can convert these back to take coins at an additional cost; however, we highly recommend keeping them coinless.
Video Poker Machine Repair Guide
100% Fully Refurbished IGT s2000 slot machines available!